VitaSure Classic
VitaSure Classic formula is an elegant, yet highly specialised emollient base, scientifically designed for use as a daily body lotion on dry skin. It has also been dermatologically approved for use of inflamed skin such as eczema or psoriasis.

Daily use of this product will moisturise the skin as well as protect it from damaging agents found in the environment. It may also be used to bathe with in cases where the skin is very dry – especially the limbs. Using a normal soap on dry skin will compound the dryness already present.
This formulation is also ideal for mixing with medical ointments such as cortisone and other agents. Your doctor or dermatologist will advise you how to use your classic formula. When mixed with medicated creams, it is usually advisable to store in a cool place (fridge).
Directions for use:
Apply liberally to whole body, twice daily if using as a general moisturiser. Apply this agent directly after bathing locks in extra moisture and is advisable. When using as soap, lather gently over skin with hands. When using in a mixture, please follow the prescribing doctors instructions and keep in a cool place.